Chemically defined, Balanced Salts Solutions provide an environment that will conserve the structural and physiological integrity of mammalian cells in vitro.
Balanced salts solutions have several roles in vitro, principally :
– maintainance of intra and extra-cellular osmotic pressure
– providing glucose, water and some inorganic ions for cellular metabolism
– maintainance in vitro physiological pH conditions (7.2-7.6)
Earle’s Balanced Salts Solutions (EBSS) are designed for short-term use in a CO2 environment.
The EBSS modified (without calcium and without magnesium) can be used to wash and resuspend cells during the dissociation process when calcium and magnesium could inhibit trypsin action.
EBSS exists:
– with or without Calcium or Magnesium
– with or without Sodium Bicarbonate